About Us
We're local & great to work with
Edinburgh Property Works is a small family run business and is the trading name of Russell & Telfer Ltd. My father started R&T back in 1963.
We work on lots of different projects from hotel and public building work, to our wonderful private client work.
Most hotels have their own maintenance staff and its always a pleasure to work alongside these guys and give support and a helping hand when their maintenance workload is at it’s max. General maintenance repairs can sometimes back up a bit due to all the admin that is required of a maintenance manager these days which can take up so much of their time. That’s where we come in. It might be a one off repair to a door lock, self closer, replacement ironmongery or its a broken shower tray that needs replaced (carefully without demolishing the place!). We can replace shower screens and bathroom vanity units and are expert installers of Multipanel to showerooms’, a wet wall panel system made by Edinburgh based Grant Westfield.
Edinburgh Property Works also carry out maintenance to city centre office buildings, in addition to very varied maintenance works within Edinburgh Museums and College property.
We also carry out work in quality rental property – where the finish needs to be “top notch”. Landlords who are looking for a quality job have come to the right place and can rest assured that we will do everything possible to enhance their investment. From design ideas through to completion of works, we’ll take time to make sure it’s just right.
So, thats us! We want to help you achieve the perfect property solution. We are easy to talk to, we do a really good job, we’re professional, reliable and courteous, and truly enjoy our work.
As they say – “good things come to those who wait”!
Don’t wait too long, we’d like to hear from you now!

Kenneth Telfer
Working really hard to provide an exceptional service to all our wonderful clients.